Is there still a chance? How to sell it? And how to avoid being stuck at the top?

Many people talk about how much money they have made, but in fact, most people missed the opportunity and want to wait for a sharp drop before buying again.

But, in fact, those who say they will wait for a sharp drop before entering, or wait until the price drops to a certain level, generally don’t dare to enter.

Because there must be a reason for the decline. It will only fall if the reason is accepted by everyone. At that time, you will also accept that reason, and you will not dare to do it!

So every time someone asks me if this inscription or that inscription is still available for purchase, or directly asks me where they saw it and where they can buy it, I really don’t know how to answer at first.

Because there is no such thing as perfect timing. I said when I see that point, it may not fall to that point. I said it is overvalued overall now and it may continue to rise the next day. I said you can buy it. After you buy it and it falls, there is a high probability that you will curse again.

I often say, just two words: configuration

If you don't hold any positions at all, it's no problem to buy some directly. The probability of rising or falling is 50% anyway.

To sum up, the following are some ways to operate the inscription:

[The situation where you have already held and obtained good returns]

1. The first way: strictly follow the expectation of buying and the fact of selling. For the realization of several favorable expectations, such as the listing of B-An, I still strictly implement the sale of a small part one after another, even if it is only a small part! There will be some, and it may rise after selling. This is inevitable. If it falls after selling, it is a god. We can't sell it at the highest price, but don't sell it all.

2. The second way: look at the trend of the big cake!

Remember remember remember!

In this market, the big cake has the final say. What others say does not count, and what any inscription says does not count! ! If the big cake does not rise, the trend ends, or even if it falls sharply, how long do you think the inscription can bounce?

How long can any strong copycat stock bounce? Therefore, if the big cake falls below the support near 4w on the right, then I will still reduce my position! This part may not be sold at the highest price, but it will not cause a big retracement.

3. The third way: When the price of Bitcoin continues to rise, you set a price that you expect to be satisfactory, and start selling in batches. When the orders arrive, you will strictly execute the sales after some orders have been sold. This is called satisfaction profit-taking.

The above three profit-taking methods are up to you.

What should I do if I don’t have an inscription?

1. The first type: understand the value point and then make a move, for example, this time's sats, I saw that ordi followed the BTC route, and sats followed the ETH application route, so this wave of adding sats to the previous wave has this logic support, and the money earned is very solid. After all, fomo is useless, and making money with principles is the kingly way. You must understand where the value point is before making a move, otherwise you will not be able to hold on to it after you buy it, and you probably won't make much.

When you can't see the specific value points, you would rather miss it than act rashly.

2. The second type: hedging the risk of emotional fomo, is because you don’t hold a position in this track, so when you see it go on B’an, you get anxious, and others make money, then you control the total position and chase some directly, and treat it as lost money, it doesn’t matter, so don’t run to ask others if you can chase it, because it may be too late when others reply to you, or if that person already holds it, or he sold it, he will think it is high no matter how he looks at it.

Therefore, you can only control your position, and take action immediately when you see an opportunity, and treat it as one of the track configurations, so that you can also observe your own inner state of mind.

3. The third type: divert your attention. Don’t be influenced by what others say about how much money they have earned. That may just be “bragging” and has nothing to do with you directly. Just because others make money doesn’t mean you can make money just by entering. Is this nonsense?

Then I might as well focus on other opportunities, such as new inscriptions, or some free opportunities.

(I will post these to the internal community as soon as I know about them when I have the chance.) If the opportunity permits, just do it.

Therefore, don’t be afraid of missing opportunities. There are always opportunities in the market. As inscriptions of various public chains appear one after another, there will certainly be many opportunities.

Moreover, if Dabing can continue to generate blood, some head inscriptions will still have a chance.

For many people who have been listed on big exchanges through WeChat 1521221721, it is just the beginning. Once they have broken through the threshold of wallet, listing on the exchange will attract more large-scale investors to enter.

So, keep your eyes open and keep an open mind!