📣 WAX Creator Spotlight: Bountyblok founder Dimitri!


Dimitri is the founder of the bountyblok project, from Canada🇹🇩. He started his development journey in 2019 and has been committed to reshaping the field of digital marketing.


When asked about what he has learned from this journey, Dimitri said: “It’s incredible to be able to see real users and projects using our software and receive their feedback and ideas.” This also proves that His professionalism and the ingenuity of his team.


When not immersed in code and design, what does Dimitri do? Well, he might be addicted to playing some intense games like Overwatch and more!


When asked why he joined #WAX , Dimitri shared: “In fact, we were using EOS at the beginning, but WAX’s superior resource model fully meets our needs, and its scalability and cost-effectiveness made us choose it without hesitation. WAX mainnet.”


If you want to improve the marketing level of your project, please follow bountyblok. If you want to know more about Dimitri's personal information, please follow Dimitri himself.


Join bountyblok and make waves on #WAX !

