Roman Storm, the developer of the Ethereum currency mixing protocol Tornado Cash, recently faced three major charges, which could lead to up to 45 years in prison. Not long ago, Durov, the founder of Telegram, was also arrested in France. These platforms or tools have been used improperly or abused, but are these tools and platforms really guilty? So is it possible that the person who invented the Internet was the original sin? This week on Blockchain, we will invite blockchain legal experts and exchange executives from Taiwan to explain to you what misunderstandings about using cryptocurrency to launder money, as well as the methods of on-chain crimes and how to avoid them. (Preliminary summary: Blockchain Legal Experts & Exchanges Appear in Dong Block Jue #149! Take you through the mystery of Ke Wenzhe’s cold wallet to analyze the misunderstandings of crypto money laundering and on-chain & Internet crimes!) (Background supplement: [ Dong Block gathering #148] Interest rate cut and new opportunities in the crypto market: Is the bull market really coming? ) Next Wednesday 10/9 (Wednesday) BlockTempo’s offline The social event brand BlockMeet invites developers and platform leaders who have contributed to the open source community, such as Max Wu, co-founder of HackMD, a well-known markdown language note-taking tool, to share with you what it means to be an open source developer. What difficulties did you encounter! Ticket purchase link: Whether you are from the financial industry, technology industry, startup circle, a student who has just learned about blockchain, or a friend in the cryptocurrency mining circle who is thirsty for diverse knowledge, you can Welcome to #动blockassembleBlockMeet, meet new friends and find new opportunities! Event speaker Max Wu|HackMD|Co-Founder HackMD is a collaborative note-taking tool, a Markdown note-taking website that allows multiple people to edit and share on the web at the same time. There are currently more than 1 million users from 170 different countries, 30,000 teams, and more than 7.7 million notes. In addition to being a HackMD Co-Founder and technology enthusiast, Max Wu has also successfully completed the Elden Ring DLC. Event information [Mobile ticket prices] Online early bird tickets: 150 yuan Student tickets: 100 yuan On-site tickets: 200 yuan Couple tickets: 200 yuan (available for 2 people) (Due to limited seating in the venue, priority will be given to seats It is reserved for online paying guests. On-site registration does not guarantee that there will be seats available. If you want to participate, please try to register online in advance!) (All fees are used to cover venue rental, tea and coffee, please see ticket information for details) Ticket purchase link: [Event Time]: October 03 (Thursday) 19:00 -21:30 (Admission at 19:00) [Event location]: Tempo House (No. 12, Section 2, Jianguo North Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City) [Event agenda] 19:00 – 19:30 Open admission19: 30 – 19:45 Opening 19:45 – 20:05 (Me and HackMD to the community) Max Wu|HackMD|Co-Founder 20:05 – 20:20 Intermission 20:20 – 20: 40 Keynote2 20:40 – 21:00 Panel Discussion By… Max Wu, Andy Pan, Alex Chen 21:00 – 21:30 Free communication after the event/Networking Whether you are from the financial industry, technology Industry, start-up circles, students who are new to blockchain, or friends in the cryptocurrency mining circle who are thirsty for diversified knowledge, are welcome to come to BlockMeet to meet new friends and find new opportunities! Related reports Tornado Cash went on trial in the United States with a “maximum sentence of 45 years.” Is writing a program a money laundering crime? The founder of the open source software Tornado Cash was sentenced to 64 months in prison. He was found guilty of money laundering. The founder of the currency mixer Tornado Cash may be sentenced to 64 months in prison! Dutch prosecutors: He created a hotbed of global money laundering. "[Mobile Blockchain #150] tool is guilty? From the criminal charges against Durov, the developer of Tornado Cash and the founder of Telegram, look at the dilemma faced by open source developers!" This article originally Published in BlockTempo, the most influential blockchain news media.