The hot topic during this period is the stock market rather than the cryptocurrency circle.

After so many years, stock investors can finally hold their heads high.

From the retaliatory rebound of A-shares before the holiday to the surge in the Hong Kong stock market and Chinese concept stock indexes,

The originally dull stock market suddenly took on the feeling of the cryptocurrency world.

People say that the cryptocurrency world is stimulating, but in comparison, the volatility of the cryptocurrency world is not as high as that of the stock market.

What kind of stimulation is this? What’s even worse is that while others are stimulating upwards, the cryptocurrency industry is stimulating downwards.

Look, today it fell to 60,000 and almost failed to hold this level.


I have said before that once the direction of the A-share market is clear, it will definitely draw blood from the cryptocurrency market.

Now it seems that this blood-sucking is quite fierce and is still continuing.

Even in the cryptocurrency group, people are shouting: Contact me if you want to open a stock account.


In the stock market group, people started to sneer at those of us who trade in cryptocurrencies, and some even threatened to kick us out.


Even on Weibo, some people have begun to imitate Guo Jia, taking A-shares as Cao Cao and the cryptocurrency circle as Yuan Shao.

He used a set of silky little combos that could win ten times out of ten, and I was unable to refute it.


Let me ask all the readers, after seeing these ten wins and ten losses, do you think the coins in your hands are still valuable?

This is a comparison from a macro perspective, and the stock market completely beats the cryptocurrency world.

From an industry vertical perspective, there is no other narrative in the cryptocurrency circle in the short term except compliance. Everyone is playing memes like crazy, from exchanges to investors. No one cares about technology, no one cares about practical applications, no one pays attention to industry development, and everyone is fucking playing memes.

It seems that everyone has seen through it and reached a consensus:

Don't paint me any big rosy pictures, it's nothing more than various ways to pull up or dump the market.

If this is how it works, what is the difference between VC coins and memes? Whoever pulls the price up, I will just rush in!

But the imagination space, legitimacy, and grand narrative of A-shares really beat the cryptocurrency circle.

Even from a speculative perspective: if you get on board now, the cost will be lower than those who are trapped. By the time they get their money back, you will have already made money!

So why are people rushing in to open accounts in droves?

Just because ordinary people can't express themselves doesn't mean they can't understand.

Finally, let's take a look at the current market sentiment from a micro perspective. There are several sentiments that are very representative:

1. Sell at a low price and lock in profits.


Because the market has been fluctuating widely this year, while many opportunities have been brewing, people's confidence in holding on to their chips has also been reduced.

People are more concerned about increasing the frequency of transactions and pocketing the profits, rather than holding on to their chips and coins for a rise in price, so fewer people are willing to hold on to their chips than before.

2. If Bitcoin becomes like the U.S. stock market, why not just invest in the U.S. stock market?


I agree with this view and have written articles expressing similar views before:

Bitcoin, tie yourself to an anchor and sink into the sea

After the rise and fall of Bitcoin was anchored to the U.S. stock market, it actually became a bit like a derivative of the U.S. stock market.

After looking at some industry groups, they all expressed pessimism about the current bloodsucking situation of A-shares and the inability to reverse it in the short term.

Moreover, compared with the high market value of US stocks, the current A-shares are more like a value depression, with room for growth and imagination.


3. Directly withdraw funds to play in the stock market.

Although this situation will not be directly reflected in each group, it is actually the most direct way to withdraw funds. Now that the policy direction is so clear, it is not excessive for you to take out 20% or even 10% of your current funds to allocate some stocks, right?

But it doesn't stop everyone from taking out a portion of their money to invest in the stock market. Funds have always been a stock market. If there is more on one side, there will be less on the other side.

Do you dare to say that the funds flowing out of the cryptocurrency circle have no impact on the market?

If you have the patience to read this far, then I will get into today’s dry goods:

When investing, you should be like the geese in Goose City.

The subtext is: they will help whoever wins.

When I watched the original film, I was a little confused by this sentence. I was still a young and ignorant person at that time.

According to Ju Zuo's shallow view of historical materialism at the time, aren't geese the people? Doesn't it mean that whoever the people help will win?

How can they help whoever wins?

Later, after working in the Internet and financial industries for so many years and experiencing so many people and things, I gradually understood that this is really the case.

They will help whoever wins, and they will bet on that person's side.

Whether it was during the Opium War when ordinary people watched foreigners fighting against the Qing Dynasty,

During the Liberation War, ordinary people used wheelbarrows to deliver supplies to the People's Liberation Army.

In fact, this is the same principle.

Let me reiterate that just because ordinary people cannot express themselves does not mean they cannot understand.

This is true in matters concerning the country's destiny, and it is also true in the financial markets.

Retail investors are actually geese, and institutions and market makers are also actually geese.

Everyone is doing things that have a relatively high chance of success, and no one will joke about their own wealth.

Now that Bitcoin can be traded and has room for speculation, geese have flocked to exchanges in large numbers, creating a group of exchange players such as CZ, Lao Xu, and Li Lin.

Now that Ethereum can issue coins and conduct ICOs, investors have flocked into the Ethereum ecosystem in droves, making Vitalik’s achievement a world-class achievement.

Now that digital currency has the possibility of compliance, people are recharging their funds to Grayscale in batches, and even if they have to pay high fees, they want it to become the largest crypto asset management institution.

The Bitcoin ETF is about to be approved. We all work together from top to bottom to make this happen in a decentralized and distributed manner, because it will only benefit everyone and not harm them.

Now that the A-share market has made it clear that it will loosen its monetary policy to boost the market, all the geese have put aside their nationality and prejudices and silently poured into the stock market, because this is a certain profit and a dividend of the times.

Geese have been doing this for thousands of years:

Whoever wins, they help.


You will find that successful people in history have all made products that conform to the trends of the times and meet the needs of the times.

What you need to do is either to raise a big banner and meet the needs of the public, or to follow the trend of the times, shout the slogan "Follow me with gun in hand", and become a overlord.

At worst, you have to join the tide of the times, so that you can reap the dividends of the times.


One of the important reasons why many people cannot live happily and understand their lives is that they have a binary mindset. They believe that everything in this world is either right or wrong, black or white.

The world is static in their eyes.

There are only two options in my mind: yes and no.

So in the market, you will only choose one side to go all in.

I even console myself that I have a 50% chance of winning by flipping a coin.

But what is the difference between it and gambling in actual operation?

Real history and reality will tell you that many things have kinetic energy for transformation.

Quantitative change leads to qualitative change, and the cycle follows a regular pattern.

Many things will not work if the time is not right. Many people can withstand the pressure but cannot withstand the cycle.

Just like after Yonghui Supermarket was sold, the buyer immediately became extremely wealthy.


However, the real world is constantly moving and developing, and the quantity of one second may become a variable in the next second.

Many people always want to replicate their previous success in a completely different era.

What is the probability of getting the same number on two rolls of the dice?

So what you are doing now, will the winning rate be higher than this number?

If your winning rate is not that high, you should learn from Goose.

Making money, doing business, is not shameful.



I am Ju Zuo, a man who focuses on recovering cryptocurrency assets and helping you get rich.

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