Many people have a big misunderstanding about Ethereum!

Many people always think that Ethereum will follow the rise of Bitcoin, as if there is a fixed ratio between them. But in fact, this idea is really wrong!

Bitcoin is unique and the quantity is fixed. As for Ethereum, we can regard it as a very important altcoin. It has also come a long way from obscurity to its current status. However, the current deflation and issuance of Ethereum every year are quite a headache. Although it performs well and has a high status in everyone's mind, it does not mean that it will definitely rise a lot.

As for altcoins, in the final analysis, it still depends on the applications on the chain and everyone's consensus. But if you look at Ethereum now, although there are many applications on the chain, they are all quite scattered, and there is no particularly outstanding one. It's like a group of soldiers, without a general who can carry the banner of Ethereum.

The consensus is also getting weaker and weaker. In addition, the Ethereum Foundation has been selling coins, and Vitalik Buterin is also shouting that Ethereum is good every day, but the price of the coin has been falling. Think about it, a project party praises its own coin every day, but the coin price keeps falling. What does this mean? Think about it carefully.

Speaking of applications, Ethereum does have a lot, such as L1 and L2 staking, but they are too scattered, and none of them are particularly eye-catching. It's like a pile of loose sand that can't be gathered together.

When APE Apprentice was launched, the gas fee of Ethereum was frighteningly high. People were scrambling for several ETHs, and they were anxious if they couldn't get them. But now, if the third generation wants users to pay, they have to show their real ability. If Ethereum has no strength, or the project party does nothing, it is normal that it can't rise.

In the final analysis, BTC is the king, and Ethereum can only be regarded as its younger brother. Of course, we don't deny the good of Ethereum, but we must also look at it rationally. Now there are many people competing with it for the second place, such as SOL and BNB.

In the currency circle, it is the survival of the fittest, and altcoins are no exception. So, don't have too much faith in altcoins, your faith is only Bitcoin!

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