A person should be able to play and control, be dedicated to the point of surprising people, or be unrestrained to the point of scaring people. When facing the market, one should wait like a hunter, and when facing the profit leap, one should treat it as normal. This week's continuous rise and uninterrupted highs, we have also made a series of long orders accordingly, covering most of the space for the entire rise.

The expected rise in the early trading session was steady and powerful. Although the big cake had left the market in the early stage, our aunt followed closely and continued to go long and took a good profit space.

From the perspective of technical structure, in the four-hour level, the price of the currency rose strongly in the early trading, which caught people off guard and laid the foundation for the current bullish rise. Then, while all indicators rose in unison, the price fluctuations on the disk intensified and the volatility increased. The bigger the wind and waves, the more expensive the fish. High volatility and high risk are also accompanied by high profits. Of course, we must accurately grasp the rhythm of the trend. Going with the trend will inevitably lead to a bumper harvest, while blindly fantasizing about a callback will cause trouble. After the consecutive positive days, there are still bullish conditions within the day, but going long within the day must be after correction.

Operation suggestion: Buy around 28700-28800

The target is 29100-29200 range, defense 28400, break around 29600, if not break, reverse $BTC #zkevm #sui #axs #BTC #ETH $BNB