The cryptocurrency industry has indeed made a large number of people rich.

A few early players who entered the market at the top

have earned over 10 million, and A8 and A9 are no problem 😂

These days, there is a big guy in the cryptocurrency industry,

born in 2000, "Bingtang Chengfan Shao" was cheated of 4 million US dollars

He said that he was set up, blackmailed, and his personal freedom was restricted in Singapore.

He once posted a will on Twitter, asking netizens to contact the embassy

Someone summarized his losses in Singapore

1. He was cheated of 3.5 million RMB + 200,000 US dollars in Texas Hold'em

2. He was cheated of 100,000 U in a scam

3. He was robbed of 22.9 million RMB in a black car + Matcha account unknown

The total loss is about no less than 400 10,000 US dollars

From the Binance account he posted, the balance is over 20 million yuan.

The balance on the chain is unknown, and he is indeed very wealthy.

From the past Twitter content, he is a very high-profile person.

He is young and rich, and has caught up with the fastest stage of blockchain wealth accumulation.

He is high-spirited and a child of destiny.

I don’t know if he has regained his freedom now, or if it is just a farce directed and performed by himself😂

The crypto market has indeed made a group of people rich.

They may have bought certain tokens early, such as 49614 40042243556741835, huge profits

Or the best among contract players, stop profit and leave,

Or make huge profits in the airdrop market and accumulate the first pot of gold

It seems easier to accumulate wealth in the currency circle,

But when the wallet is full, people are also floating, and they are targeted

If you are lucky enough to make millions,

You still have to be low-key, it will be troublesome if you are targeted by robbers🙈