Today is the weekend, and the market is sideways again. Don't worry, there may be a big positive line on October 1, and a Bitcoin National Day. Use the surge to kill the big A-shares next door. The global casino that never sleeps for 24 hours, the leverage can be 100 times, and nothing is as exciting as this web3.

Don't worry, there is a lot of room for imagination above, after all, the second half of this bull market has just started, so sit tight. Last year and the first half of the year were just appetizers, and the climax is still early. How can you be a deserter if you haven't even seen the pie of more than 100,000 US dollars? That would be a shame for the suffering and torment in your heart. For so many years, no one has seen 100,000 US dollars, but 70,000 is actually very close to 100,000, and the dog dealer can reach it with just a little effort.

Gao Qiqiang didn't become the big brother right away. Everyone started out as a grandson, and only became the leader after reading "The Art of War". Linghu Chong was like this, Yang Guo was like this, Zhang Wuji was like this, Xu Zhu was like this, and Guo Jing was like this. Are you like this? It's a pity that some people never thought about it. A soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good soldier. You have never thought about leading thousands of troops, and you only know how to fight alone. How can you turn things around? Unless your family has a mine, unless your father is Master Bao.

I am positioned as a regiment leader. If you want to surpass me, and not as a military commander or division commander, then you should at least be a platoon leader or company commander in the quantitative industry. Otherwise, what can you do? Are you like the coward who delivers takeout for life in Stephen Chow's "King of Destruction"? Please forgive me for not looking down on any industry, because other tracks except finance are all garbage. Yesterday I said that all Chinese project parties are garbage. I am not afraid of offending people. This is what I really think, and it has nothing to do with patriotism.

Because I have been cheated countless times by domestic bosses. They know nothing except how to make money. They also don't listen to my opinions as a Zhuge Liang in the cryptocurrency circle. It's like Han Xin was obviously assisting Xiang Yu at the beginning, but Xiang Yu had no vision and was arrogant and didn't know talent, so he pushed Han Xin directly to his opponent Liu Bang. In fact, from that moment on, Han Xin's energy field had already lost the world.

I quoted extensively, knew astronomy and geography, talked about everything from ancient times to the present, from rural gossip to how to change fate, and I also wanted to challenge my own cognitive shortcomings and boundaries, but I really didn't find anything I didn't understand. In terms of shamelessness in the cryptocurrency circle, except for Sun Ge who is better than me, the team leader admits that I am inferior. In terms of technical strategy, I really have no rivals in the Huashan Sword Contest.

Today I went to a nursing home for young people. The small courtyard has a fresh style. The boss is a charming fitness beauty. The idyllic courtyard is decorated for a lazy cup of coffee, playing with cats, and sunbathing. In the evening, a bunch of handsome men and beautiful women line up for a barbecue party. It's really fun. Even a straight man like me who is a little socially anxious is attracted. Away from the hustle and bustle of the city, I preached to them the prospects and future of AI quantification, which is a direct dimensionality reduction communication.

They are very good at traffic, and can invite strangers from other places to the B&B nursing home to meditate. Their temperament is very consistent with web3 online operations. And they are also experts in financing. The young people's nursing home is full of people born in the 2000s, 1990s, and 1980s. They are all equivalent to the elderly here. After the red wine party in the evening, draw lots to sleep. I don’t know if it is exactly the same as the cycling circle I have never been in contact with. Alas, I really don’t understand and am not good at young people’s socializing. I only know the king of K-cutting, and the founder of this queen is really full of imagination.

Haha, just these few sentences above, are you very curious and drooling? Look at you, you are so useless, wipe your saliva. Beauty needs to be matched with money, why don't you come and learn from me how to make money by speculating in cryptocurrencies, 599 community circle tickets, make money first, then you can pick up girls. Unfortunately, losers often get the order wrong.

I took a lot of beautiful photos, quite retro, I like this style. Do you know why ordinary people are unsuccessful? If you want to open a milk tea shop or a coffee shop, the normal logic before starting a business is that you should first find a job at Mixue Ice City or Starbucks. Then when it comes to the high-risk track of blockchain, why don’t you know to pay homage to the master first? If you jump directly into the currency market, you will most likely be drowned by the sea water, and you will lose everything except your pants. Smart people will directly find the team leader to transfer a 599 red envelope. Don’t ask what you are learning, because if you ask, you will lose your vision. Just treat it as inviting me to a massage in my club. I will teach you the "Nine Yang Magic Skill" and give you an Ai Yitian Sword by the way.

I won’t say more. The female boss wants to chat with me late at night about how to increase traffic. She wants to recruit me to the business with a price of 10,000 per share. I am thinking whether I should pledge myself to her or not. . . . .