🧛Summarize what changes have taken place in the market since the interest rate cut

1. $eth began to strengthen, and the increase exceeded Bitcoin

2. Golden dogs emerged on the Ethereum chain, gas began to soar, and the advantages of a strong ecosystem began to emerge

3. US stocks fluctuated, technology stocks rose, and A-share policies were epically favorable (A-shares are the focus of the game between major powers this time, so it is recommended to pay attention)

4. The cottage market ushered in a small climax

5. On the MEME coin, $neiro was pulled up, and the concept of Mars City was hyped up

6. The Ai sector was strongly concerned by the candidates of the US election. Not only did technology stocks pull up, but the heat of the encrypted AI track reappeared

7. The modular track rebounded from oversold, $TIA, $SAGA Waiting for the rise to be gratifying

🗣️A month ago, I said that although interest rate cuts are historically unfriendly to finance

But the election market and the actual benefits of interest rate cuts are likely to brew a gold market in September/October

Now I dare to predict again that this time it will be a reversal that lasts for 2 or 3 months, not a simple rebound

The United States is flooding the market, and we are also flooding the market, and the game is likely to be flooded

The golden rain is falling, are you hiding in the house or going out to greet it?