#BNBGreenfieldMainnet Officially released today, the core of this sidechain is to realize a decentralized data storage system. After reading the document, the general implementation principle is: First, similar to all decentralized services, a distributed storage provider is introduced. Greenfield allows any individual or organization to register as a storage provider (SPs). These SPs are distributed in the network, and data storage adopts a distributed storage method. It also assetizes the access rights of the data similar to NFT and stores it on the BNB chain. The verification node adopts the POS mechanism and needs to pledge 1,000 BNB to become a validator. The validator verifies certain fragments of the data through the verification program to prove the accuracy of the data. To learn more, you can go to the official document.


#scroll The mainnet was released today. You can pay attention to the new projects. After all, the wealth benefits of base are obvious to all.

Life Beyond Studio raised $3.5M yesterday for a console game. If you are interested, you can pay attention to it.