
➡️According to Hunt, $SOL evaluates that $SOL is a product with good technology and cheap fees, but for investment, Hunt will not choose $SOL because of the problem of network collapse :)) $SOL will have difficulty reaching Mass Adoption or integrating projects on web2 because just one network failure can cause serious damage to projects in the system, especially payment apps. There is also selling pressure from FTX to repay debt ~8% of total supply will be unlocked from now until 2028 without prior notice.

➡️$SOL's development strategy is still pumping money into Incentive packages to develop the ecosystem, thereby attracting web2 dapps and Devs (about the problem of network collapse, it is difficult to attract web2). How much money does $SOL have left to burn next season?


➡️$Avax has Subnets similar to #optimismFND 's Super-Chain

$Avax's development strategy is to pump money into the system and capture web2 market share similar to $NEAR.

➡️Outstanding achievements of $AVAX: Integrating UPTN, a subsidiary of SK Planet & Dreamus. Korea's Kpop entertainment ticketing platform is employing ~25M people of half the Korean population. But looking at #AVAX 's#Blockchaindata, there are only 138k transactions per day and are on the decline.

➡️Some projects are about to be integrated such as SARAH, the top 1 food review application in Japan with ~2M monthly users & PONTA, one of the largest subnets of $Avax working on infrastructure, about to mainnet at the end of the year as well. very remarkable.

➡️$AVAX's current development strategy is to combine pumping money into the system + pulling web2 projects built on Avax. TVL Defi of $AVAX is 70M$ higher than $SOL while Cap $SOL is x2 $AVAX => Is $SOL overpriced or is $AVAX under Value?

➡️After $NEAR, $AVAX is the#L1product that Hunt appreciates the most, you can follow more.


➡️There are no users on the network, the number of transactions is ~54k per day => quite low and $ADA is also ranked top 8 in marketcap, so I rate this bet as not good, we can continue.

📌#SuiNetwork & Aptos

➡️$SUI, after 2 failed Incentive quest1+2 packages, is currently implementing quest3, but after the Incentive packages, users leave and the $SUI system falls into the "empty house" situation.

➡️$APT has nearly the same number of daily transactions as $AVAX without the need for Incentive packages like $SUI. I think $APTOS is growing more sustainably than $SUI, but the cap is also higher, so these two are 1 nine and 1 green.

➡️In general, these 2 new#Blockchainsare still under construction and have nothing outstanding while Cap is quite high. I haven't found any reason to hold these two long term.

📌NEAR Protocol

➡️Hunt will have 2 separate analysis articles

Summary: The current#L1development strategy is mostly pumping money into Incentive packages to develop the ecosystem such as pumping yiel + high rewards to attract users. But when the money runs out, the user will leave like $SOL & $SUI is an example.

#Layer1 will certainly continue to be a long-term trend of the market because it is the infrastructure foundation for Dapps to build & apply#Blockchaintechnology. The upcoming cycle will be the transition cycle between web2 to web3 with the strategy of capturing market share of $NEAR & $AVAX, it is likely that these will be the two stars of the uptrend season, but the $AVAX product still needs to be followed more. brothers.