We previously published an article introducing the WAX ​​Blockchain resources, which received a lot of feedback. In this article, we will further explain the three major resources on the WAX ​​Blockchain: CPU, NET, and RAM, so that everyone can have a deeper understanding of them.

The WAX ​​blockchain is one of the most widely used blockchain platforms in the world, hosting a range of popular and outstanding DApps and digital collectibles. As the world's well-known brands and avid collectors flock to WAX, it is crucial to master the core resources of NET, CPU and RAM, which make it all possible. Today, let's take a deep dive into these core resources to ensure that you are fully prepared in the field of digital collectibles.

NET and CPU: The Heart of WAX Transactions

The WAX ​​blockchain can run smoothly thanks to its two main bandwidth resources: NET and CPU. The synergy between the two ensures the normal operation of the WAX ​​blockchain:

  • NET: NET refers to the throughput of the blockchain, which determines the amount of data that a user can send or receive in a specific time. Whether it is buying a new digital collection or selling a collection of digital collections, the data involved in these transactions requires the use of NET.

  • CPU: If NET represents the “volume” of transactions, then CPU represents the “speed” of transactions. Depending on the level of transaction activity on the WAX ​​Blockchain, the CPU bandwidth that users have access to will vary. When trading activity is high, such as during high-profile digital collectible airdrops, CPU will become more scarce. Conversely, during quieter periods, more CPU will be available.

For digital collectibles collectors and enthusiasts, staking WAX Tokens is key to getting more CPU. The more tokens you stake, the more CPU bandwidth you can get. This is especially beneficial during periods of high CPU demand, when everyone is scrambling to get their hands on coveted digital collectibles.

Bandwidth allocation: flexible choice

Staking WAX Tokens earns you an allocation of NET or CPU from the WAX ​​Blockchain, which in turn gives you bandwidth. The beauty of WAX bandwidth allocation is that you get to decide how you want to allocate your staked tokens. If you sense a surge in trading activity is coming, you can choose to allocate more tokens to CPU to allow for more trades.

I just started using it and I don’t know how to allocate WAX ​​tokens between CPU and NET. How to balance? Our suggestion is to set the allocation ratio of CPU and NET at 10:1. In addition, staking WAX tokens can also gain voting rights, vote for the top 21 guilds in your mind, and get voting rewards.

Remember, you can unstake your WAX tokens if you feel the need to adjust or reclaim them, but please note that there is a 72-hour waiting period after unstaking before you can get your WAX tokens back.

RAM: The unsung hero of persistent storage

In addition to NET and CPU, there is another core resource: RAM. RAM is the permanent storage space of the WAX ​​Blockchain, where all important data, such as ownership details of digital collectibles or WAX Token balances, is securely stored.


Compared to CPU and NET, RAM is an unsung hero. Although the role of RAM may not be well known, it is crucial for collectors. For example:

  • Account Creation: Creating a WAX account or adding new collections requires RAM. New users create a WAX account through My Cloud Wallet, and the WAX ​​blockchain will give the account 3KB of starting RAM for free.

  • DApps: DApps, or decentralized applications, can enhance the WAX ​​experience. For example, a DApp could be a unique photo album that showcases your digital collections. However, these applications require RAM to maintain their data, which means that every interaction, every time a new digital collection is added to your digital album, takes up RAM.

  • Buying and selling: Given the scarcity of RAM, RAM needs to be purchased and its price fluctuates based on supply and demand. As a digital collector, if you want to get more involved, such as creating custom photo albums or organizing community events, you may need to buy RAM.

It is crucial for every digital collector to have a smooth experience on the WAX ​​Blockchain. To do this, it is necessary to understand the relationship between NET, CPU, and RAM. By cleverly utilizing these resources, collectors can not only enjoy lightning-fast transactions on the WAX ​​Blockchain, but also ensure the safety of their precious collections, and fully immerse themselves in the vibrant world of digital collections on WAX.

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Warm reminder: This article is for popular science purposes only and does not constitute any investment advice!