Yesterday, October 18, the market was trading sideways from around 28100 to 28500, which was very comfortable. However, this market situation requires us to control our mentality. If we buy the spot, it will go up, and if we go short, it will fall. The market does not follow our hearts. Don't let it take away your mentality and collapse,

btc support 28500-27950, pressure 28530-28830 if it breaks through 29430

Ether is still very soft, and there are many short sellers. What they are afraid of is that the contract will suddenly insert pins up and down. Manage your position well, and do a good job of taking profits and losses. The support is 1540-1520, and the pressure is 1573-1593.

I don’t have so many gorgeous words, I just express my feelings truly. Generally, I only do big market spot and low-multiple short single bands. I was satisfied with the income of around 8% last month. It is easy to make money in this market. , it’s hard to make money. I hope everyone comes here to make money, not to make money and end up with nothing. Come on, you in the currency circle #BTC