Are you all waiting for me to write a market analysis today? No need to analyze. If we look at the current time node and cycle, if we don’t go all-in now, when will we go all-in? I have already mentioned the safe entry point. If it falls below $62,300, it will return to the bear market and stop loss first. Otherwise, hold on and don’t get out easily.

Today, we encountered resistance at $65,000, which is understandable, after all, we failed to break through here last time. However, this time, it may accumulate strength for a few days, and the probability of a breakthrough should be increased. After all, the Federal Reserve has cut interest rates and started to release money. The cryptocurrency market is now synchronized with the S&P 500 index, so there is still room for imagination. At present, there are only two barriers: the 65,000 paper tiger, the 70,000 integer barrier, and the previous high of 74,000.

Every time I write a diary, I feel that I don't have enough time, so I write without thinking, without logic or rules, but with the only constant desire to help others. Sometimes I write frivolously, but recently I have a lot of female fans, so I should keep a sense of proportion when writing in the future, and use less overly hot words. After all, I am like Tang Bohu, who only drools over Qiuxiang, and I am not moved by other beauties even if they are naked in front of me.

Changpeng's boss, Yige, will be released from prison in a few days. I wonder if Yijie will do something big to welcome him. Anyway, BNB may have some problems, but I didn't lie in wait. I wanted to laugh when I saw the photo of JJ Lin and Vitalik Buterin. It's not a case of one taking advantage of the other's traffic. I just want to know who is the idol of whom? Is it JJ Lin who likes to speculate on Ethereum, or Vitalik Buterin who likes to play JJ Lin's songs for his girlfriend? Hey, they are all idols in front of us leeks. It seems that people must have a skill to survive in society. The leader of the group relies on his good oral skills, haha.

Sometimes I find my jokes unbearable. Since I'm all in on cup-smashing, I'm under psychological pressure. Can we talk about something else? Investing in cryptocurrencies all day long can make you nervous and you'll collapse. If you make money all day, it's ok. If you lose money all day, then the best outcome is to end up in a mental hospital like Liang Xi, and the worst outcome is to meet on the rooftop.

The drama film "Fudu Youth" starring a Malaysian actor who is deaf and dumb and at the bottom of society is now in theaters. This is destined to be a realistic thriller that will not have a high box office in China. However, for me, who has gone out to sea, I like to watch this kind of realistic and cruel story. After all, who dares to say that he is not a leek? Who has not struggled for many years from being a loser before making a comeback? Moreover, 80% of retail traders cannot touch the true meaning and essence of trading for most of their lives, so there is no truth that they will never turn over. It is exactly the same as the fate of the migrant workers in Kuala Lumpur who have no identity in "Fudu Youth". The mute male protagonist in handcuffs in the movie said in a roaring voice: I want to die. To a religious master who came to enlighten his thoughts, he said you don’t understand me. That one shot made this silent Malaysian actor beat Ruan Jingtian in "Zhou Chu Eliminates Three Evils". Unfortunately, when I searched for the profound Taiwanese movie "Dog Mask" on the video account again, it had been removed and I couldn’t see anything. Although there is no mask on my face, I always carry "Dog Mask" in my heart.

Many people don't understand why I like to be a teacher and always want to help strangers change their fate. I can't help it, I just like to reveal the secrets of heaven and influence more people's energy field to fly against the wind. But you should not have free thoughts, don't always sing "Boundless Oceans and Skies" with a group of people, I always sing "My Chinese Heart" and that's it.

I don’t know what I can and cannot say now, anyway, I can only say so far. In fact, in the cryptocurrency circle, I feel like Zhang Wuji, no, in fact, I am most like Yang Guo, but Xiaolongnu is not there. In the field of trading, I know a lot of masters, and I also know a lot of founders of this and that. It’s like I haven’t founded anything. Yes, my One Finger Yang Kung Fu does not have a name, I don’t care about those empty things. Just like I don’t like to take photos with big names, unless others take the initiative, like the photo of me and Bao Erye, I never take it out to show, just keep it for myself. After all, they are in Silicon Valley and I am in the mainland.

It is difficult to tell you my life experience in a few words, and that is not important. What is important is that I only care about how to make money for you in 2024 and 2025. I do know the abbot of web3 Shaolin and Zhang Sanfeng of Wudang Sect. I have learned Yi Jin Jing and practiced Dragon Claw Hand. I can use the powerful Vajra Finger and the Six Meridians Divine Sword. When I encounter a dog dealer, I will use Lingbo Weibu to compete with the trader in running faster. I don’t have wind and fire wheels on my feet, but I am definitely greased like a bodybuilding competition.

It is understandable that many new players in the cryptocurrency world do not know the team leader. Now I major in AI intelligent robots and have mastered several overseas arbitrage software. I have stepped on all the pitfalls of quantitative analysis, which means I am taking a detour for everyone. I just hope you can stand on my shoulders and turn me into a shortcut. I don’t take the usual path. I have been as rebellious as Nicholas Tse since I was a child and as unrestrained as Han Han.

There was a floating profit during the day, but now it has turned into a floating loss. Maybe this is life, ups and downs are the norm, and the five constants are normal. My diary has no filters, only the core essence of everything. If one day, you can be as emotionless as Ai, then you may not need any tactics to win. But, you and I are not robots, so put down the manual operation and pay tribute to Simmons with quantitative methods. If the technology cannot do it for the time being, then the team leader will create a miracle of trading with you. No need for kung fu, use a gun...