Author: Revc, Golden Finance


When we were thinking about how to divert traffic from Web2, some people had already discovered the entrance to Web2 - mobile phones.

There are currently two major channels that continuously introduce users to Web3, namely GameFi based on Telegram and DePin based on Solana mobile phones. The former is a reusable Web2 channel. After the CEX drainage is completed, GameFi's next hype will be for dApps that are eager for traffic. Web3 mobile phones also have a broader imagination space. Mobile phones are not only communication tools, but have become an important carrier of financial transactions. Through mobile payments and banking applications, people can manage funds, pay bills and invest in financial management anytime and anywhere, greatly improving financial convenience. At the same time, mobile phones are also the guardians of personal privacy, carrying sensitive personal data such as social records, photos, and health information. Therefore, security has become the core focus, and the fingerprint recognition, facial recognition, encryption technology and other functions integrated in the device provide users with higher privacy protection and security. In such a highly digital era, mobile phones are not only tools, but also an extension of digital identity.

Web3 phones redefine how users interact with the digital world by combining decentralized technology with strong security encryption to give users full control over their digital identity, data privacy, and assets. Unlike traditional mobile phones, Web3 phones support blockchain and decentralized applications (dApps), allowing users to conduct secure digital asset transactions and management directly on their phones while achieving full control over private keys through non-custodial wallets. Its encryption function can effectively protect communications and personal data, reduce reliance on third-party platforms, and thus enhance privacy and autonomy. In a digital age that is gradually moving towards decentralization, Web3 phones represent a new direction for future secure communications, financial transactions, and personal data management.

Solana Seeker

On September 19, 2023, Solana Mobile officially released the much-anticipated second-generation Web3 phone, Seeker, at the TOKEN2049 conference in Singapore. This Web3 mobile device, which integrates hardware and software, is designed to provide users with a safer and more convenient encrypted digital experience.

Seeker's main features:

Seed Vault Wallet: A mobile-first wallet developed in partnership with Solflare that seamlessly integrates Seed Vault for self-custody.

l dApp store optimization: Updated the dApp store to provide more convenient reward tracking and navigation.

Seeker Genesis Token: Each Seeker is equipped with a soul-bound Seeker Genesis Token, which provides access to rewards, access rights, and content.

l Developer ecosystem: It has attracted a large number of developers and projects to join, providing Seeker with a rich application ecosystem.

Seeker highlights:

  • AI Integration: Leverage Alethea AI to generate tokenized AI agents, enabling new ways to interact and earn money.

  • Games and Assets: Provides a rich collection of Web3 games and exclusive assets, including limited edition assets and rewards.

  • Airship: ZK-compression tool: reduces the cost of airdrops by 4000 times, enabling more users to participate in airdrop activities.

What Web3 Mobile Needs to Succeed

Objectively speaking, the ultimate development goal of Web3 mobile phones is to achieve network freedom and security while ensuring privacy. This requires long-term infrastructure construction. Currently, several Web3 mobile phones have not made breakthroughs in network connectivity and security (satellite communications). Before accumulating sufficient market scale, the functions of Web3 mobile phones will be very limited. They can only be regarded as an evolved version of hard wallets. Even their use in most regions is restricted, such as network access and filing. However, this does not prevent it from becoming a track without a ceiling. After all, with the decline of economic globalization, major regions are doing things that are inward-looking but isolated from each other.

Commercial value is the second biggest factor in the success of Web3 phones. Strong expectations of airdrops are the reason for users to consume, and are also the core advantage of differentiated competition with traditional phones. In terms of quality experience, it can be aligned with traditional phones. After all, as mentioned above, consumers currently expect Web3 phones to be just an evolved version of encrypted wallets. If the Web3 encrypted world + X Phone physical reality world are combined, the scenarios catalyzed by freedom may trigger deeper and more extensive innovations.

The third factor is AI integration. Even mobile phones can be used as distributed computing and verification nodes. Currently, in terms of AI competition, Web3 phones and traditional phones are on the same starting line. If the production relationship advantages of Web3 are used properly, it may also lead traditional phones in AI performance and experience. Seeker and CoralPhone both have integrated AI functions.


The traffic thinking in the crypto world has produced two positive changes. One is the Web2 channel based on Telegram GameFi, which not only delivers users to CEX, but also to project parties. The 2.0 stage of TG GameFi needs to adapt its economic model so that it can replace task platforms such as Galxe and become the first entry point for Web3 users. The other is the mini DePin represented by the Solana mobile phone, which directly focuses on the entrance of Web2.

The airdrop value of Solana's first-generation mobile phone has exceeded its price. MEW, MANEKI and BONK are worth nearly thousands of dollars, which is also the reason for the surge in second-generation pre-orders. Due to Solana's active ecosystem, the airdrops available to mobile phones are also very sustainable, making Web3 mobile phones expected to gain more market share, thereby redefining people's digital identity at the entrance and forming a new value network. Previously, Web3 was mentioned at the level of financial applications and products, while Web3 mobile phones can reach a wider user base, making Web3 rise to the network level.

Currently, the motivation for Web2 social platforms to transform to Web3 is relatively low, and they will not take the initiative to open user data to Web3 applications. The way Web2 maintains its market share is through a monopoly supported by VC capital. If mobile phones can become the entrance to Web3, it will be expected to change this situation and gain more support from users.

It is worth noting that Web3 mobile phones require a long development cycle, and sustainable commercial value can push this track further, but mobile phones are the first stop for users to obtain encrypted privacy services, communication services and wealth management services. Everyone can keep a long-term eye on this track. Finally, Web3 mobile phones should not ignore modular design. As an encryption entrance, attention should be paid to fairness and decentralization in the process of providing hosting and other services.