My friend, it should be around 2017. At that time, in addition to being particularly optimistic about Bitcoin, he also favored Ethereum, and even invested most of his funds in it. In fact, Ethereum rose from a few dollars to hundreds of dollars at that time, and the fluctuation was quite large. Many people began to be afraid and wanted to sell it at a high price and lock in profits. Many people around him withdrew, saying that Ethereum was pure nonsense and it was better to buy Bitcoin, and only when the money was in your pocket would you feel at ease.

But he was different, he increased his position instead. I asked him why, and he said that he thought Ethereum's smart contract was simply subversive and would completely change the business model in the future. He told me excitedly that Ethereum was not just a digital currency, it was a platform, and there would be many applications running on it in the future, such as automatic execution of contracts and financial agreements, which did not require middlemen at all. He was very confident in his belief and was willing to pay for it.

When he heard this, some of his friends laughed at him, saying that his dream was beautiful, but the reality was more cruel.

At that time, everyone generally believed that only when the money reached their own pockets could they really make money. He still holds on to his belief. A few years later, not only did Ethereum increase several times, but new things such as DeFi and NFT became popular. He paid for his belief and made up for the loss of Bitcoin before.

His favorite saying is: predicting the future is not a dream, but being able to keep your belief when the market is turbulent.