According to TechFlow, on September 19, CoinDesk reported that Ethereum developers reached a consensus at a meeting on Thursday and decided to split the upcoming hard fork upgrade Pectra into two phases. Alex Stokes, a researcher at the Ethereum Foundation, said the move is aimed at narrowing the scope of the upgrade and reducing the risk of code errors.

The first phase will include eight Ethereum Improvement Proposals (EIPs), including EIP-7702, conceived by Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin in 22 minutes, which aims to improve the wallet user experience. The second phase may involve improvements to the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) and the introduction of the PeerDAS feature that benefits the second-layer network.

Developers still plan to complete the first phase of the upgrade in early 2025. Stokes stressed that keeping the scope of the upgrade small and precise will help speed up the implementation of both phases.