I remember when I called iO

A bunch of people yelling at each other down there?

It’s gone up

You can still buy now with the first interest rate cut

This kind of coin that has never been speculated has risen very fiercely.

An increase of 5 to 10 times is no problem at all

Hurry up and lay out

io.net was established in February 2023. It is a DePIN project built on Solana. It aims to provide more efficient and flexible computing capabilities for machine learning, making the development team's training model calculations more scalable.

The io.net team consists of 29 members. Ahmad Shadlid is its founder and CEO, and Russ Vetrano manages the sales department. In just one year of development, io.net has received US$30 million in investment in March this year due to its theme being in line with industry development trends and the team developing appropriately. Investors include Hack VC, Delphi Digital, Solana, Aptos, Foresight Ventures, and ArkStream Capital. Well-known institutions such as DePIN have also attracted more attention to this DePIN project.