PANews reported on September 19 that on-chain detective ZachXBT published an investigation report on the X platform. Last month, Greavys (Malone Iam), Wiz (Veer Chetal), and Box (Jeandiel Serrano) stole $243 million from one person through a highly sophisticated social engineering attack. On August 19, they took the following actions against a Genesis creditor:

  • Calling Google Support from a fake number to gain access to personal accounts

  • Then called Gemini support staff and claimed that the account was hacked

  • Social engineering tricks were used to trick victims into resetting 2FA and sending Gemini funds to stolen wallets

  • Get victims to share their screen using AnyDesk and reveal their Bitcoin private keys.

Initial tracking shows that $243 million was split into multiple parts between various parties, and the funds were then quickly transferred to more than 15 exchanges and exchanged back and forth between Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, and Monero. In the past few weeks, a group of eth addresses associated with Box/Wiz received more than $41 million from two exchanges, mainly flowing to luxury brokers to purchase cars, watches, jewelry, and designer clothing. Although most of the funds were converted to XMR, both Box and Wiz accidentally linked the laundered funds to multiple black money. With the assistance of Cryptoforensic Investigators, zeroShadow, and the Binance security team, more than $9 million has been frozen, and more than $500,000 has been returned after working closely with the victims to investigate the incident. At present, the two main suspects Box and Greavys have been arrested in Miami and Los Angeles, and the case is still under further investigation, and more funds are expected to be seized.