In the luminous dance of numbers, a furtive rumor crept like a whisper into the crypto world, sowing seeds of uncertainty in the field of investments. In a short period of time, around $50 million of bearish bets on Bitcoin futures dissipated into the void.

The flash of the virtual currency reached USD 30,000, caressing the eager hearts of market observers. What fairy played with the stars in this dark firmament?

The Cointelegraph portal, a digital bird, chirped the wrong message, a dissonant melody that affirmed the approval of a Bitcoin exchange-traded fund, desired by many, under the aegis of BlackRock. The news fell like acid rain, corroding investor confidence.

The virtual waves carried the news to distant lands, where trading wizards and code enthusiasts joined the chorus, fanning the flame of the market with their emotions and hopes. But, the truth has a sharp sword and Fox Business journalist Eleanor Terrett raised her voice with authority, denying the deception woven by the digital wind.

#Bitcoin #ETF