Look at the daily chart of Bitcoin,

Did I completely grasp it?

After experiencing a sharp drop in early September,

I drew a future trend chart of Bitcoin on the 6th,

and it stopped falling and reversed on the 7th, and moved in the direction of the chart.

Looking back now, it is indeed the case!

It really follows the direction of my line step by step!

Many people said before that it would touch 49,000 US dollars,

or even 45,000 US dollars, but now they have all been slapped in the face!

In this way, my prediction is not wrong!

Grasp the general direction, the general direction is still optimistic!

99208746385 99657178381 34828050906 99121209908 99621466263 51117289897 47501176392165684905180861117275579272373939268378 10286