Moving in the expected direction, the interest rate cut was officially implemented last night. And the dot plot shows that at least 50Bp of interest rate cuts are expected within the year

I stayed up until 4-5 o'clock last night, waiting for the big cake to take back the long position. But in the morning, the big cake stood at 61300 and pulled back directly above 62000.

In the short term, due to the fundamental benefits of the news fermentation and the official release of water, the big cake has the hope of first hitting the pressure near 65000

The market outlook is still optimistic that the big cake will break out of the rising flag and hit 10w US dollars within the year!

The cottage rebounded sharply during the day. Several strong tokens have broken through the bottom area pressure of the daily line

The market risk is not too large in the past two days, but the big cake needs to be careful of the short-term callback risk when it reaches 65k. Whether it is a strong coin that has broken through and needs to step back, or a small coin that has reached pressure and needs to release short-term selling pressure

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