In the world of trading, I was once deeply trapped in the quagmire of human nature. Stop loss was frequently triggered, and it was difficult to escape the bad luck even if the stop loss was enlarged. The market reversal was like a mockery, which made me almost desperate. It was not until I understood the true meaning of trading that I realized that the "mysterious power" was not only for me, but also a test of human nature. Impatience, greed, fear, luck... these human weaknesses are infinitely magnified in trading and become a catalyst for losses.

I began to reflect on how to go against human nature in trading and find a way to make stable profits. I recorded each weakness, honed countermeasures in actual combat, and finally built a unique trading philosophy: in the noisy market, stay calm, buy low and sell high at the edge of the large range, move against the trend, and wait patiently for the opportunity. This seems to be contrary to common sense, but it is actually a deep insight and transcendence of human weaknesses.

I abandon blindly following the trend and do not follow the crowd. When the market is full of voices chasing ups and downs, I choose to think in reverse, sell high and buy low, and let the profits accumulate quietly in the precipitation of time. I know that the key to stable profits is not frequent trading or chasing hot spots, but sticking to the rules and patiently waiting for your own opportunities.

More importantly, I re-examined the original intention of trading. The fantasy of getting something for nothing is often the root of losses. But the real profit comes from the awe of the market, the adherence to the rules, and the deep understanding and restraint of one's own human nature. When I learned to "get something for nothing" in trading - that is, to get returns through wisdom and patience, the sense of accomplishment and satisfaction was far from being comparable to the simple pursuit of profits.

Here, I would like to say to all friends who are still struggling on the road of trading: why not try to go against human nature, maybe you will find a new world. There is no need to be superstitious about technology, let alone blindly follow authority. Remember, the ultimate competition of trading is human nature and mentality. If you are still stubbornly dependent on technology, you might as well try coin tossing trading, set fixed stop profit and stop loss, and you may get a surprise unexpectedly. Because, in the world of trading, the most powerful force often comes from transcending and controlling oneself. #token2049 #新币挖矿HMSTR #币安上线NEIRO #美联储宣布降息50个基点 #加密市场反弹 $BTC $BNB