Is there still hope for Inscription ORDI and SATA? ? ?

Looking back at the last bull market, the top currencies in the DeFi sector have also experienced a 70% retracement, or even a drop of more than 90%.

Although the current trend of ORDI and SATS is significantly sluggish, it does not mean that they have collapsed.

Altcoins in a bull market often go through such a process: first achieve a 3-10 times increase in 1-2 weeks, then pull back 50%, and then enter a wash period.

Therefore, even if Inscription Simulation is now in the bottom wash stage, don't miss future opportunities because of short-term pullbacks.

The Meme sector has exploded. Will DODO's multi-chain one-click coin issuance function and the upcoming Meme platform bring a meteoric surge?

The outbreak of the Meme sector is attracting widespread attention, especially DODO's multi-chain one-click coin issuance function and the upcoming Meme platform, which will undoubtedly bring huge upside potential to the market.

DODO's multi-chain one-click coin issuance function makes the issuance of Meme coins simpler and more efficient. This innovation will reduce the driving force, allowing more creators and project parties to quickly launch their own Meme coins, thereby promoting the rapid development of the sector. At the same time, DODO's upcoming Meme platform will provide a centralized display and trading venue for these emerging Meme coins, further enhancing their market liquidity and exposure.

With the launch and trading of more Meme coins, the market will usher in an exciting new wave, bringing more surprises to investors. At the same time, the ecology of the Meme sector will be further developed and prospered due to DODO's innovative initiatives. $DODO @DODO #DODO助力Meme发行