Former US President and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump once again showed goodwill to the currency circle. When he visited the Bitcoin-themed bar PubKey in New York City on Wednesday, he used Bitcoin for the first time to purchase his favorite The classic American meal, the cheeseburger, instantly sparked heated discussions in the cryptocurrency community.

川普周三赴長島舉辦造勢大會之前,曾到位於曼哈頓的PubKey 稍作停留,並在酒吧員工的協助下,完成了號稱是他人生第一筆比特幣支付,成為首位公開使用比特幣消費的美國President.

A video released by "Fox News" showed that Trump purchased several burgers with Bitcoin. After completing the payment, he said, "This is a historic moment," and then distributed the burgers to customers in the bar. "This is a Crypto Burger," he told the enthusiastically cheering crowd.

PubKey immediately posted on the social platform

One of the most historic transactions in#bitcoinhistory was just made.

President @realDonaldTrump buying burgers at @PubKey_NYC with @tpacchia.

Block height: 861871

You saw it here first.

— PUBKEY (@PubKey_NYC) September 18, 2024

When asked by reporters at the scene what he thought of the Federal Reserve's (Fed) interest rate cut of 2%, Trump responded that it showed that the U.S. economic situation was "very bad." If not, then the Fed was playing "political tricks." .


〈Trump “buys burgers with Bitcoin”! Known as "Life's First Bitcoin Payment" This article was first published on "Block Guest".