Entry Price: $0.3363


1. Target 1: $0.3486

2. Target 2:$0.3689

3. Target 3:$0.3981

4. Target 4: $0.4082

Stop Loss:

- Set stop loss at $ 0.3180 to minimize risk.

Profit Booking Method with Risk Management:

1. Partial Profits Strategy:

- Target 1: Book 25% of your profits at $0.3486 to secure some gains in case of a reversal.

- Target 2: Book another 25% at $0.3689 as the price continues moving upwards.

- Target 3: Book 30% at $0.3981 to capture the majority of your profits.

- Target 4: Close the final 20% at $0.4082 to maximize your gains.

2. Risk Management:

- Use a 1:2 risk-to-reward ratio, ensuring that the potential reward outweighs the risk taken.

- Regularly monitor volume for confirmation; increasing volume supports upward momentum.

- If price approaches the stop loss, reassess your position and be ready to exit to minimize losses.