I think here, even without translation, everyone will understand what is in the picture #Crypto ….

Even if someone told you in 2009 to buy #Bitcoin , you would hardly have done it, for several reasons…

1 You would not have believed it and would not have attached any importance to it, since there would have been no understanding of this innovation..

2 Your technical knowledge would hardly have allowed you to do it

3 Perhaps you would have lost, forgotten the password 😁

4 You would have sold it too early.

5 You would have sold it too early…

6 You would have sold it too early…..

7 ….

8 In 2009, did you already have the Internet???

9 How old were you in 2009?..?

10 Even now, having all the opportunities and knowledge, you do not do it …..

think about it….

I think there are still too many reasons that would not allow you to do this and hold #Btc until this day ...
