Today a friend asked me: Do you prefer short-term trading that makes you famous, or long-term trading that seeks stability?

This is how I answered him:

In investment trading, short-term and long-term trading each have their own advantages, and the key lies in personal trading style and risk tolerance. If it is short-term trading, although you can get a larger profit in a shorter period of time, it is also accompanied by higher risks and volatility. Long-term trading tends to be stable, based on in-depth research on projects or assets, and can better resist short-term market fluctuations.

For me, long-term trading may be more attractive because it is more in line with the concept of reducing risks through in-depth research and long-term observation. However, short-term trading also has its value, especially in the right market environment, you can seize the opportunity of the moment.

Which one do you prefer? #特朗普哈里斯辩论未提及加密货币 #比特币年底能否突破10万美元? #MemeWatch2024 #比特币披萨日 $BTC $BOME