ETH's recent performance is far worse than Bitcoin. Although it was bought at 2200, it did not make much profit. The characteristic of this coin is that it has been sluggish for a long time, but one day it suddenly rose by 500-1000 points, inexplicably surpassing Bitcoin, so ETH should be mainly deployed at low positions. It is different from BTC and is a mainstream coin with time bomb characteristics.

I bought the bottom of BTC at 53500 before, and now it is 60500, with a profit of 7000 points. You can consider selling all or half of it. I can only see 63000 as the limit of BTC. Without the support of clear positive factors, BTC should not rise too much. Note that the positive factors here are the positive factors that have been implemented, not the expectations of speculation! Now the BTCDOM index has been rising, which shows that the total market funds are visibly insufficient. When everyone has no money, the effect of speculation expectations is not great!