Telegram has recently seen the emergence of several Web3 applets with millions of users, such as $NOT $DOGS $HMSTR, which shows us the potential for the integration of Telegram and Web3!

Telegram has billions of monthly active users worldwide, but its development of applications related to consumption, payment, daily life, e-commerce, etc. lags far behind WeChat Mini Programs! 🪫

Telegram is a blue ocean market with huge potential waiting to be explored!

Problems faced in developing Telegram applets

Telegram applets must introduce payment components to stimulate innovation and development momentum and generate real value. However, due to its global attributes and compliance risks, Web2 payment methods are difficult to implement.

Web3's decentralized and trustless properties perfectly solve payment and monetization problems, making it the first choice for Telegram applets!

But there are also various problems:

1⃣ Development is difficult and technical barriers are high, which hinders wider deployment

2⃣ The threshold and cost for Web2 users to enter Web3 are too high, and a large number of users are scared off by the complex operations

3⃣ The current application scenarios are too single, most of which are games, and there is insufficient development in other fields.

4⃣ Insufficient infrastructure. Currently, TON chain is mostly used, which limits the choice of users.

5⃣ The inefficiency of payment channels has hindered the diversification of the ecosystem

The Matrix One-Stop Solution

The Matrix is ​​a development toolkit built on Telegram by @nubit_org. It aims to promote the seamless integration of Web2 and Web3 with the help of Telegram, unifying social functions, payments and applets into one system!

The Matrix simplifies the complexity of blockchain integration, allowing developers to develop Web3 applications in the same way as they build Web2 applications.

It also allows users to seamlessly enter the Web3 ecosystem in a Web2 way, experience the simplicity and efficiency of Web3, and benefit from it!

The Matrix consists of six key components ⬇️

1⃣ Unified wallet

By integrating @tomo_social's Telegram SDK and Tomo Wallet, we provide a smooth and convenient multi-chain experience and lower the entry barrier for new users!

The unified wallet supports assets such as#BTC#Solana #ETH, and is all integrated in Telegram. Users can log in directly through Telegram, which simplifies the onboarding process and reduces the difficulty of managing assets!

2⃣ Minichains

The Matrix can help developers customize high-performance chains without the need to use costly and poorly optimized blockchains, ensuring full control over resources, governance, and data, and improving efficiency and transparency!

3⃣ Universal Bridge

The Universal Bridge ensures efficient and secure cross-chain transactions within The Matrix ecosystem, solving common problems in cross-chain communications!

By adopting a shared sorting protocol for all MiniChains, the risk of incomplete or failed transactions is overcome, synchronous cross-chain message hulls are achieved, and atomic transactions are performed between multiple chains, ensuring the security, accuracy and efficient execution of all transactions!

The universal bridge also supports seamless payment of gas fees between different chains, improving the cross-chain experience, and ensures the consistency and reliability of the entire mini-chain ecosystem by leveraging Nubit DA for direct data sharing.

4⃣#BTC原生 Nubit DA

Nubit DA is the core pillar of The Matrix’s data availability, providing a scalable and trustless layer for all mini-chains, ensuring data security and efficiency.

Nubit DA includes components such as validators, full storage nodes and light clients. Validators are responsible for proposing and verifying blocks, full storage nodes ensure reliable storage of data, and light clients verify the availability of data through sampling.

Each component plays a critical role in maintaining data integrity and availability.

5⃣ Decentralization Kit (DeKit)

DeKit is a developer toolkit that simplifies the integration of decentralized features in the Telegram app.

DeKit is based on the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture, which divides the application into three interconnected components: model, view, and controller, allowing developers to separate the internal representation of information from the way users present and receive information.

This architecture is particularly suitable for Web2 developers. They no longer need to worry about the complexity of the underlying technology and can directly carry out decentralized development.

6⃣ Minichain-as-a-Service (MaaS)

MaaS provides a no-coding dashboard that simplifies the traditionally complex blockchain deployment process, making it easy to use even for non-technical users.

MaaS uses DeKit to provide developers with the ability to create and manage mini-chains customized for specific applications. It also integrates infrastructure services such as RPC services, state verification, and chain browsers to reduce the operational burden associated with managing blockchain networks for developers, allowing developers to focus on innovation rather than infrastructure management!

@nubit_org and @tomo_social provide the perfect solution for a fast integration of Telegram and Web3 through The Matrix!

6 key modular components allow developers to focus more on innovation and the market without spending a lot of time and money on building infrastructure! Users and developers will be able to explore and tap the potential of Telegram applets more quickly and efficiently.

Everything is ready, waiting for the outbreak!

Maybe the Telegram mini program is the engine of this bull market, who knows!