According to TechFlow, on September 14, Treasure co-founder Karel Vuong published a long article on the X platform, clarifying in detail the reasons and motivations for "Treasure DAO's plan to migrate from Arbitrum to ZKsync". Karel emphasized that this decision was a well-thought-out strategic choice aimed at laying the foundation for the future development of Treasure.

He pointed out that ZKsync’s zero-knowledge proof (ZK) technology has significant advantages in scalability, throughput and cost-effectiveness, which will greatly improve Treasure’s game performance and user experience. Karel said that ZK technology can handle higher transaction volumes while reducing costs and providing users with a smoother interactive experience. Additionally, Karel said ZKsync’s interoperability and unified liquidity features were key factors in the decision to migrate. These features will allow players to seamlessly switch between different games and chains, eliminating barriers to traditional cross-chain operations, thereby promoting user activity and participation within the Treasure ecosystem.

He also pointed out that Matter Labs' long-term investment and focus in the field of ZK technology make it a trustworthy partner. Matter Labs' technical accumulation and industry leadership ensure the reliability and innovation of ZKsync, which is crucial to Treasure's long-term strategic layout. Karel finally emphasized that this migration is not only a technological advancement, but also to achieve Treasure's ultimate goal: large-scale user adoption. Treasure will further promote the innovation and development of games and applications through cooperation with ZKsync.

Earlier news, Treasure DAO initiated a proposal to migrate from Arbitrum to ZKsync.