According to ChainCatcher, in order to promote the application of industries such as artificial intelligence, big data, blockchain and new infrastructure, and cultivate and develop emerging industries worth hundreds of billions of yuan, GBFA will hold the "Asia Digital Economy Investment Forum" in Shenzhen on September 27, 2024.

By then, representatives from well-known companies such as Shenzhen Capital Group, Fortune Ventures, SoftBank China, Goldman Sachs Asia, Microsoft, Hugging Face, and senior experts in the fields of AI and digital technology will all be present to discuss hot topics in artificial intelligence technology and Web3 industry, and explore the future of new economic development.

This forum has an investment forum and a high-quality project exhibition area, aiming to promote the effective connection between policies, capital and projects, and promote the implementation of relevant results. The forum will focus on the latest hot spots, situations and opportunities in the fields of artificial intelligence, blockchain, big data, etc., and deeply analyze the current pattern and future trends of cutting-edge technology finance. Through this top-level thought exchange feast, embrace the new wave of digital economy industry. The forum is sponsored by Jie Zhisuan, and co-organized by GBFA Global Blockchain Fund Alliance, FINWEX, Chainfir Capital, FIBONACCI, BEAT BEE, and BUDAO LABS.