Cryptocurrency of the Day ( $GRT ) 🪙

What is The Graph?

@graphprotocol (GRT) is an indexing protocol that enables data-intensive networks such as Ethereum and the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) to query data in support of#DeFiand#Web3protocols.

The goal of the project is to enable developers to query data quickly and efficiently for dApps (decentralized applications). In this way, data on networks such as#Ethereumand IPFS becomes more organized and accessible. The Graph makes it easier to query specific data with special indexing structures called subgraphs, which allows dApps to be more performant and user-friendly.

Featured Features

🔹Subgraphs: The Graph indexes blockchain data through applications called subgraphs. Each subgraph collects data connected to a specific smart contract and makes it queryable. In 2024, The Graph introduced new tools and SDKs that will further simplify the subgraph development process. This will help developers index blockchain data faster and more efficiently.

🔹GraphQL: $GRT uses a powerful query language called GraphQL. This allows data to be filtered and analyzed in any way desired. In 2024, The Graph optimized the performance of the GraphQL query language. This allows for faster querying of data and greatly improves the user experience for dApps.

🔹Decentralization: Instead of a central server, The Graph operates through independent nodes. These nodes index data and process user queries, working with a reward system.

$GRT Statistics

- Price: 0.1458$

- Market Cap: $1,392,305,759