🚀 Breaking news from Starknet! The community voted overwhelmingly (98.94%) to implement a new staking mechanism for STRK tokens. This is a big step forward to balance the supply and encourage staking.

🔍 The minting curve mechanism is based on Professor Noam Nisan's "Proposal 2", adjusting the STRK supply according to the staking participation rate, controlling inflation.

📊 The minting rate formula (M) = staking rate (S) x constant (C), initially C = 1.6. Starknet Foundation can adjust C from 1.0 - 4.0 to maintain balance.

📢 Any changes must be announced publicly on the community forum 2 weeks in advance.

💬 The community response was very positive, with only 0.61% opposed. However, only 79.65% of the total voting power participated.

🔥 Hopefully the new mechanism will increase user activity and participation. What do you think? Comment below! 👇

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