Review yesterday’s arrangement

We have carried out several rounds of selling high and buying low at the high position of 5.85w and the lower position of 5.73w as a reliance on judgment. I believe that partners who follow up will reap a lot of gains. In this way, we will continue to focus on the market outlook during the day.

Judging from the oscillating trend of the pie overnight, the range is getting narrower and narrower, and the space available is getting smaller and smaller. This shows that this round of market is coming to an end and is about to enter a new round of upward or downward trends. go

Observing the trend of U.S. stocks, the Nasdaq actually revealed a very clear signal: it is expected to continue its upward trend. So anchored to the big pie, in terms of trend, we can give priority to the upper breakthrough, but we still need to rely on the break above 5.88w or even 5.9w to stabilize. On the contrary, it may be another round of retracement to around 5.75w to recharge.

In this way, the idea is very clear. The white market pie can be prioritized around 5.75w, and the target is around 5.83-5.88. If the resistance is effective, you can look down one round. In addition, you can reserve the extreme pin position near 5.62-5.66 (not You must arrive, and you may be able to buy the bottom when you arrive).

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