#Themoney needed to fix ustc at $1 was a maximum of $3 billion ...

So how much compensation will this fraudster pay to #terra #sec ? $5 billion.

Has it been documented that these are thieves and fraudsters, and that they have slapped tens of thousands of investors? Yes!

Can a bribe of $5 billion be given just so that America will let them go?


So what was given to us bankrupt investors?

A big -0-

Has the victimization and suffering we have experienced so far been compensated???

-you write in the comments ...

Today, a charlatan trickster named #VegasMorph came out and presents a ridiculous, illogical comedy text called the ustc fixing plan..

he talks about gradual fixing and#luncburns for a coin with open futures!!!.

just like they have been doing for 2.5 years, a freebie, a tale-based stalling tactic again.

then all the influencers and bot accounts present this news to you by polishing it with perception as "terra coins are being saved, ustc is becoming peg, lunc is rising from its ashes"..

as if the button was pressed together and all together..!!

we, the investors whose patience has cracked and whose nerves have been played with for years, are no longer falling for these tricks....

enjoy your meal to those who fall for it!!!