145 days after Bitcoin halving... Is there still a bull market in the cryptocurrency circle?

Before this round of bull market started, everyone was looking forward to Bitcoin halving, and a vigorous bull market after halving

It has been 145 days since Bitcoin halved on April 20 this year, and then the market fell from 65,000 US dollars to 58,000 US dollars, and the copycat fell back to the bear market price

It is inevitable that people will wonder whether the 4-year halving cycle of Bitcoin will usher in a bull market. Has it expired?

If Bitcoin halving no longer ushered in a bull market, then where will investors go in the future cryptocurrency circle?

From a historical perspective, the first Bitcoin halving occurred in November 2012. The price fell slightly in the months after the halving, fluctuating between 10-13 US dollars, and then reached a high of 266 US dollars in April 2013

The second halving occurred in July 2016. After the halving, the market continued to rise from 650 US dollars until it reached a high of 20,000 US dollars in December 2017

The third halving was in May 2020, when the price was about 10,000 US dollars. After the halving, the price fluctuated greatly, and it rose in October until it reached 69,000 US dollars in November 21.

From history, we can see that there are declines and increases after the halving, and we cannot draw a conclusion based on this.

But we can objectively see that the halving of Bitcoin is conducive to long-term price increases.

Now that it has been nearly 6 months since the halving, some people who look at technical indicators have seen that various indicators of Bitcoin are weakening from the market, and the highs and lows are getting lower and lower. Therefore, many people no longer have confidence in the bull market.

I personally think that this does not mean that the halving of Bitcoin can no longer bring about a bull market.

The previous currency circle was a niche circle, and the main narrative revolved around the halving of Bitcoin, which naturally had a great influence.

Now the currency circle is gradually moving towards the global mainstream market, more traditional companies are making plans, and Wall Street bankers are Capitalists and even countries compete for the market

Then the market of the currency circle will naturally be affected by more factors

The market will only become more and more complicated in the future. The financial market is like an ocean. Big fish eat small fish. There are also giant whales behind them. Giant whales will also fight for territory

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