⚖️ New progress in the FTX case: Caroline Ellison's trial date is set, and those responsible will finally be punished by law!

FTX's legal proceedings are about to reach a critical moment. Caroline Ellison, former CEO of Alameda Research, will be tried in court on September 24. This trial is the end of a case that lasted a year last year. Before that, FTX founder SBF had been sentenced to 25 years in prison and former CEO Ryan Salame was sentenced to 7.5 years.

Caroline Ellison's lawyers are currently arguing that she should not receive any sentence, but the final verdict will be announced in the court session in two weeks. In addition, two other FTX executives, Nishad Singh and Gary Wang, will also appear in court on October 30 and November 20, respectively.

With these trials approaching, the main responsible persons for the FTX collapse are expected to be punished by law before the end of this year. We will closely monitor the progress of these cases and further discuss their sentence results after new verdict information is available.

🗣️ Conclusion:

This case reminds us that the cryptocurrency industry is not a lawless place! The outcome of the final trial of Caroline Ellison and other FTX executives may have a profound impact on the future regulatory environment of the industry, and also provide investors with important lessons about risk management and due diligence.

At the same time, the outcome of Ellison's trial will set a precedent for the cryptocurrency industry and emphasize the importance of compliance and integrity. We hope that this incident will push the industry towards a more mature and self-disciplined direction, ensuring that legal and ethical responsibilities become the cornerstone of the industry's success.

💬 What does the FTX case reveal about the cryptocurrency industry? How does it affect your views on cryptocurrency investment? Leave your views in the comments section!

#FTX审判 #CarolineEllison #加密货币法律 #AlamedaResearch #SBF审判