Difference between

USDT (Tether), USDC (USD Coin), and FUSD (Frax USD) are stablecoins that aim to maintain a fixed value relative to the US dollar. Here’s the difference between them:

1. USDT (Tether):

- Stability: Designed to maintain a value equal to one US dollar.

- Reserve: Each USDT is allegedly backed by one US dollar or assets of equivalent value. There have been some transparency issues in the past.

- Adoption: Widely used, used on many trading platforms.

2. (USD Coin)$USDC :

- Stability: Also designed to maintain a value equal to one US dollar.

- Reserve: Fully backed by US dollars held in third-party bank accounts, providing a high level of transparency.

- Adoption: Widely used, sourced from Circle and Coinbase.

3. $FDUSD (Frax USD)

- Stability: Designed to maintain a value equal to one US dollar, but relies on a hybrid model that combines collateralized and non-collateralized assets to achieve stability.

- Reserve: Relies on a complex system of collateralized assets and algorithmic decisions to adjust supply and demand.

- Adoption: Less popular compared to USDT and USDC, but has a dedicated audience.

Each of these stablecoins uses different methods of stabilization and manages reserves in a variety of ways, which may affect the level of trust and adoption in each