The b circle is changing around the bull and bear cycles of the 4-year cycle. This is correct and this is the essence. However, how the bull market will go, will Bitcoin peak first and other coins rise, or will Bitcoin rise slowly and other coins explode first? This is analyzed according to the process of each round of bull market.

Just like now, many people think that Bitcoin will explode next, and the altcoins will continue to be in a bear market and will not start.

My view is exactly the opposite. I think that from now on, valuable potential high-quality coins will explode and usher in the main rising wave of the bull market, but Bitcoin's increase will not be too large.

Many people are still waiting for the bull market in 2025, and are still waiting for the altcoins to explode after the big rise of Bitcoin. I can only say that if you plan this bull market according to the last bull market, you can only miss it.

As for why, I can only say that our institutional research department has spent countless efforts to judge and analyze, and these core analyses are only explained to members.

Some people will think that my account is currently in floating losses, why am I so confident? Why do you think what our institution says is right?

This is due to our strength.

In the last bull market, we were able to judge that the bear market had bottomed out at $4,500 for Bitcoin and bottomed out at $110 for Ethereum.

In the last bull market, we laid out currencies that rose 50 times.

We identified the top of the bull market and sold out in time to escape the top, avoiding the 519 crash.

We judged the end of the bull market in 2021 and avoided the entire 2022 bear market.

We judged that the bear market had bottomed out on November 23, 2022, and that Bitcoin’s $15,487 was the bottom of the bear market.

Any of the above events is what many people desire and want to have.

How many people regret not bottoming out in 2020 and not seizing the last bull market?

How many people regret not escaping the top in time, not avoiding the 519 crash, and not avoiding the 2022 bear market?

How many people regret not judging that the position of Bitcoin’s $15,487 was the bottom of the bear market and should enter the market?

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