Can $FB $32 hold up? Let's look at the following data:

Preliminary estimates show that about 3146.88 $FB/hour are produced, and 75525.12 $FB are produced per day. Based on the current price of $32, it is equivalent to releasing $2416803.84 per day, and the new circulating market value is $72504115.2 per month. The circulating market value rose to $115 million in one month, $187 million in two months, and $260 million in three months; analogous to the wave of inscriptions at that time, the circulating market value after listing on Binance was as high as about 2 billion US dollars, and stabilized at 800-100 million US dollars. Since there is nothing interesting in the current market, the market's heat has poured into the $FB market to play CAT;

However, the overall market is volatile, and market sentiment is a bit weak. As Binance has recently listed new currencies, most of them have begun to favor currencies that can attract new traffic, so $FB The probability of listing on Binance is quite high. Even if it is not a spot, it is not a big problem to list a contract. If it is listed on Binance, the market expects it to reach about 500-100 million US dollars; in the end, it depends on when the team can do something. The sooner it does something, the higher the short-term speculation profit of $FB. If you wait for a few months, the expected space will be extremely compressed. The best time for speculation is within 3 months, and it can also give retail investors a doubling expectation.

#FB #美国经济软着陆? #特朗普与哈里斯辩论,特朗普概念币普跌 #美降息25个基点预期升温