Buffett's recent actions in the stock market have caused quite a stir. Not only did he sell a large number of Bank of America shares, he also revealed his concerns about the outlook for the U.S. economy. What exactly is this stock god planning? Does his behavior indicate that the U.S. stock market is about to face a storm? And will the U.S. dollar, as the dominant currency in the global payment system, also face unprecedented challenges?


On September 7, the United States released the latest non-farm payrolls data. This news was like a bombshell, causing a stir in the financial circle. Everyone was speculating on what was going on with the U.S. economy, and the market was in chaos.

Look at the three major U.S. stock market indexes. They all fell hard. The S&P 500 had its worst week since March last year, and the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell even more. Even the Nasdaq, which usually performs well, was not spared this time, recording its largest single-week drop since January 2022.

At this critical moment, Warren Buffett, the stock god, is not idle. He has been selling American stocks non-stop since June. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission revealed that starting from September 3, Buffett sold Bank of America stocks for three consecutive days, selling nearly 20 million shares. This is not a small amount!

The relationship between Buffett and Bank of America is quite long. In 2011, Buffett spent a huge sum of money to buy preferred shares and warrants of Bank of America for $5 billion. Since then, he has never stopped investing in Bank of America.

Over the years, Buffett has been full of praise for Bank of America and has been increasing his stake. Just a few years ago, when everyone was speculating whether he would sell Bank of America shares, Buffett vowed that he did not plan to sell so quickly.

But this year, the stock market legend suddenly changed his mind and began to sell a large number of Bank of America shares, and he still hasn't explained why he did so.

If you look closely, you will find that in recent years, Buffett's company has been slowly selling off the stocks of several large banks they hold. Buffett has been quietly selling off well-known financial giants such as U.S. Bancorp, Wells Fargo, and Bank of New York Mellon.

So the question is, does Buffett's frantic selling of Bank of America shares this time mean that he is going to completely give up investing in Bank of America?

Let's look at the economic situation in the United States. The manufacturing industry is weak, the job market is cooling, and the debt is frighteningly high. The market is increasingly worried about the US economy. Buffett's massive sell-off at this critical moment means that he smells the risk and wants to escape the center of the storm quickly?

Speaking of Buffett's "magic predictions", we have to mention several of his magic operations. In May 1969, Buffett ended his 13-year partnership model. In the following year, the Dow Jones Index and the S&P 500 Index plummeted by 35%.

Let's take a look at the situation before the stock market crash in 1987. Buffett decisively cut almost all of his stock investments at that time. The result? Just two months later, the S&P 500 index fell by more than 33%, and the Dow Jones index fell even more tragically, directly falling by 36%!

At the end of 2007, before the global financial crisis, Buffett once again demonstrated his ability to predict the future. He decisively adjusted his holdings of US stocks. From November 2007 to March 2009, both the Nasdaq and S&P 500 indexes fell by nearly 55%.

Because of this wise decision, Buffett seized the lowest point of the U.S. stock market in 2008 and became the world's richest man.

Now, Buffett has sold off a large number of Bank of America shares. Does this mean that the US stock market is about to face another storm? Can Buffett create another legend?

Let's take a look at the situation of the US dollar. The US dollar has always been the protagonist on the international stage, like a dancer in gorgeous costumes, dancing gracefully on the stage of the global economy. However, under this seemingly glamorous appearance, there are actually many problems hidden.

The non-farm payrolls data and manufacturing indicators released by the United States in August were not optimistic, which made people more worried about the recession of the U.S. The U.S. dollar continued to weaken and the exchange rate has fallen to around 100.

In the past few years, the international situation has changed a lot. Western countries led by the United States often use economic sanctions as a weapon, turning the US dollar into an attack tool to deal with those disobedient countries.

This practice has made the whole world uneasy about the dominance of the US dollar and has also stimulated more countries to look for ways to break away from their dependence on the US dollar.

For example, countries such as Russia, China, and Iran are actively looking for new ways out in order to avoid sanctions from Western countries, striving to establish their own payment systems and no longer rely on US dollar payments.

These countries have their own advantages. Some are rich in resources, some have large markets, and some have advanced technology. If they can work together to promote a new international payment system, they will be a force that cannot be underestimated.

If these new payment systems become more and more sophisticated and are recognized and used by countries around the world, the position of the US dollar in the global payment system may face unprecedented challenges.

It's like an originally solid dam suddenly has many cracks. Although it seems to be able to hold up now, its safety and reliability have been greatly reduced.

What is even more troubling for other countries is that the United States has been desperately maintaining its position as the world's leader, suppressing potential competitors at all costs and preventing other countries from growing and developing.

They always portray opponents who dare to challenge them as bad guys who undermine international rules, and then use criticism, condemnation, diplomatic isolation and other means to weaken their international influence.

At the same time, the United States will use its advantages in economy, science and technology, and military to impose economic sanctions, technological blockades, military threats, etc. on those challengers in an attempt to completely defeat them.

Now, the US dollar is at its most vulnerable period. Whether the US can maintain the prestige of the dollar is still unknown. But one thing is certain: the US will not give up easily, nor will it let China off easily.

Under this situation, the world situation has become more complicated and tense. In order to safeguard its own interests, the United States may take more radical measures. In this case, the possibility of conflicts breaking out around China cannot be ruled out. For the United States, which will do anything to achieve its goals, anything can happen.

As soon as this news came out, the Internet went wild. People were discussing it, some supported it, some questioned it, and some were worried. Let's take a look at what netizens said.

One netizen said: "Buffett is really an old fox! Every time he makes a big move, something big is bound to happen. This time he sold Bank of America shares. I think he probably smelled some bad signal."

Another netizen said: "Don't be too nervous, Buffett may be selling stocks just to adjust his investment portfolio. Besides, he is not a god, and he can make mistakes."

Others are cautious: "No matter how Buffett operates, we small retail investors should be careful. The stock market is risky, so we need to be cautious when investing!"

Netizens also expressed their opinions on the future of the US dollar. Some said: "The US dollar hegemony will end sooner or later. Now many countries have begun to trade with their own currencies."

Some people disagree: "The dollar's status has been there for so many years, how can it change at will? In the short term, the dollar still has the final say."

One netizen was quite optimistic: "In fact, this may not be a bad thing for ordinary people like us. If the US dollar really declines, it may be much cheaper for us to travel abroad and study abroad."

The topic of the US economic recession has sparked heated discussions. Some people said: "It should have been a recession a long time ago. The US has been relying on printing money for years, and sooner or later it will have problems."

Some people disagree: "The U.S. economy is very resilient, don't be too happy too soon. Even if it really goes into recession, they will find a way to recover."

Others expressed concern: "If the U.S. really goes into recession, the entire world economy will suffer. We should not wish for others to suffer."

Netizens have a variety of opinions on the future of Sino-US relations. Some say: "The United States will definitely not give up and will probably find ways to trip up China. We must be vigilant."

Some people also think there is no need to be too nervous: "It is normal for the two countries to have conflicts, but there are also many areas for cooperation. There is no need to make the relationship too tense."

Some netizens also put forward their own suggestions: "Instead of worrying about what the United States is doing, it is better to pay more attention to our own development. Do our own things well, and don't care whether the US dollar is hegemonic or not."

It seems that this incident has caused quite a bit of discussion online. Everyone has their own opinions on Buffett's operation, the future of the dollar, the direction of the US economy, and Sino-US relations. However, no matter what, as ordinary people, we still have to observe calmly, think rationally, and not be affected by temporary public opinion. After all, the world economy and international relations are complex and cannot be explained in just one or two sentences. #美降息25个基点预期升温 #美国8月核心CPI超预期 #特朗普哈里斯辩论未提及加密货币 #特朗普与哈里斯辩论,特朗普概念币普跌 #鄂B炒家

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