The second GMX Liquidity Vault is now live: GLV [BTC-USDC] !

GLV functions as a liquidity-optimising vault. The vault is an index of all GM pools that have identical collateral, in this case: BTC-USDC collateral. It automatically rebalances this BTC-USDC liquidity across its GM pools based on their utilisation and demand.

As a result, GLV provides liquidity providers with a balanced instrument offering stable risk-adjusted returns and optimised capital efficiency.

GLV [BTC-USDC] on @Arbitrum is a vault for GMX's Bitcoin-related markets. It can be purchased with BTC, USDC, or any of its underlying GM pool tokens: BTC/USD, ORDI/USD, and STX/USD. Purchasing GLV with any of its underlying GM tokens does not incur any fees, thanks to GMX's newly introduced SHIFT functionality.

Buy GLV, and automatically earn fees from the best-performing GM pools on GMX:


All early GLV holders benefit from liquidity incentives on top, thanks to GMX's ongoing Arbitrum STIP-Bridge campaign. These additional rewards will be airdropped to your wallet on Wednesday, after each weekly epoch concludes.