$ICP pattern has broken through, pay attention to the signal

After a long period of bottoming, ICP finally broke through the downward pressure line; yesterday's rise also broke through the previous pressure level, and it has stood on the high point of the previous peak

This time it is a breakthrough triangle hypotenuse; the first pressure level above is 9 and the second pressure level is 11

Yesterday I observed this signal, when the 1h level price was 7.8, the previous high point has been broken, and the upper pressure level is still a long way away. The big analysis is fine, and I was entangled in the choice of entry point, and finally nothing came of it😅

At this point, I have two plans

1. Enter now and pay attention to the first pressure level. If it can pass, it's better, if not, leave

2. Wait for the retracement to see if it can reach 8.2. If it is not a large-scale decline, this retracement can be entered, and the first target is still at the pressure level

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