Decimal blockchain update results. What you need to know at the moment.

A significant step for the blockchain has arrived. On August 1, on its four-year anniversary, the Decimal blockchain started the migration process and September 4 - 95% of the functionality is already running on the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). All interactions with the blockchain now go through the EVM, but functionality related to validators will remain on the COSMOS module, interacting with the EVM through smart contracts.

The development team has done a lot of hard and not easy work on the update to introduce a new blockchain to the cryptocurrency market considering the accepted initiative from CEO Decimal.

The block height of 22,372,801 was the first block when Decimal's blockchain is already running on EVM.

At this time, all necessary tests have been conducted and restrictions on the use of the blockchain network have been lifted.

The development team is now working on fixing minor bugs, adding missing sections to the console, updating the Decimal Wallet mobile app, and working with projects that collaborate with Decimal.

Check out the results of the blockchain update in this article: