Trends determine the future direction, the general trend determines the direction, and short-term operations that cater to the trend will be our magic weapon for success. There is no risk in investment. The risk comes from the risk of being out of control. The market is always right, and the interpretation of people's hearts is wrong! Believe that the market will definitely give you a chance to make a move, and will not abandon you. Keep a calm mind, maintain the patience of a hunter, and keep your eyes open and wait for the attack.

In the early morning, the big cake broke through strongly and rushed high. In the early morning, it reached the 58,000 line and began to fall back under pressure. It has now reached the 56,800 line. In yesterday's trend, we participated in the low-multiple thinking, and we also won two rounds of rushing high and received more than 2,000 iodine. After the short-term shock adjustment, it directly broke the previous weak structure, and the rhythm became stronger, so the operation only needs to follow the trend.

At present, the K-line closed with a big positive again in the daily structure. After the previous decline, it went out of the V-shaped reversal after a short correction. The bulls were instantly sent out, directly breaking the previous weak structure. Once the structure changes significantly, the operation ideas must also be adjusted. After the 4-hour shock upward, it stretched and broke strongly. The short-term touched the 58,000 area and stepped back under pressure. After each round of big rise or fall, there is a correction trend. At present, there is a certain decline after the upward trend, and this kind of trend is just a correction action. The bulls still have continuity in the daily structure, so the operation can be treated with a low-multiple idea!

Bitcoin: 56400-56200, long, target 58000

Ethereum: 2320-2300, long, target 2450#美国经济软着陆? #以太坊基金会 #美国8月非农就业人数不及预期 #小非农增幅创3年多新低 #BTC走势分析