#Vic $VIC


Hold Vic!!!

Hold viC!!!



Keep buying on dips, forget about the previous waves, don't wave later!!!

If even the scumbag from quick can get on the contract, Vic will definitely get on!

Recently, the dog dealer has been inserting needles back and forth and has been pulled by short-wave leeks for several waves! Anyway, I have pulled almost 5 waves!

Remember, don't use profits, don't add profits to buy! Just use the positions of the recent head warehouse to buy! Because this kind of small-cap coin has the possibility of being in the observation zone!

Buy it at any time when it falls below 0.39! Don't take the profits from the previous waves! Use the head warehouse funds of the first wave to buy!

Refer to the quick contract, it is expected that the positive news of the contract will be more than 45% of the positive needles!!!

Really, it will come soon. . . .