The logic of the copycat is not so much the logic of the secondary market, but in fact, the copycat coins follow the logic of the primary market and the investment logic of VC more. Now the secondary market is sluggish, which means that the fields and tracks directly related to the secondary market will not have a good day.

So everyone must have found that the mining companies and exchanges listed now are in a slump. If the secondary market is not good, how can the primary market be good? If the primary market cannot continue to invest funds, how can the valuation of VC projects be improved? Those copycat coins, without rounds of valuation increases, how can the price rise?

The so-called copycat season must be after the big cake price has greatly increased, which has brought about the valuation increase of the cryptocurrency circle and the continuous investment of external funds. From the big cake to the copycat track, whether it is games, depi, defi, inscription MM, it is possible to obtain sufficient liquidity and thus pull it up. The big cake is not good yet, how can the copycat be good?

Let me say one more thing here. Right now is not a good time to play copycat.

If you want to dig deeper into the cryptocurrency circle, but can't find a clue, and want to quickly understand the information gap, you can 👉 learn more in my profile. Whether it is a contract or spot, I will share it in real time in the inner 蔀.


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