Recently, I was bored and learned fortune-telling with the Eight Characters. I found that there is a big similarity between fortune-telling and trading. What is it?

The first step of fortune-telling with the Eight Characters is to distinguish between cold, warm, dry and wet, strong and weak, and to select the pattern. Once this step is wrong, no matter how fancy you calculate later, it is likely to be wrong.

Some people's fate is simple. If it is cold, you can light a fire, and if it is dry, you can irrigate it. You can tell at a glance; but some fates are complicated. Sometimes they look strong, sometimes they look weak, sometimes they want to add firewood, and sometimes they want to cut trees. It is difficult to make up your mind, which is very troublesome.

This kind of fate, which looks like a mountain from the side and a peak from the side, is very similar to this year's market.

The first thing to do in trading is to distinguish the bull and bear ups and downs of the big trend.

If the big trend is judged wrong, it will be difficult not to lose money.

And this year's market is just like this. Sometimes it looks like a bull, and sometimes it looks like a bear. This month you want to hold a long position, and next month you want to go short to zero.

The big trend is extremely difficult to distinguish. If you can't tell the difference and still force yourself to do it, then it's reasonable to lose some money.

There is another point about fortune-telling.

You can't say that someone is not destined to be rich and famous just because he has been unlucky for ten years;

You can't say that someone is not destined to be a bad life or a short-lived ghost just because he has been unlucky for three to five years.

The overall situation is important.

The same is true for trading.

You can't deny the bear market pattern because of a big rebound;

You can't deny the bull market pattern because of a sharp drop.

The overall situation is important.

I don't think the current overall situation is good.

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