Traditional real estate capital transforms into blockchain investment, high-quality target search analysis report EOS RAM (internal)

1. Background

China's real estate industry is in a downturn: In recent years, with the tightening of China's real estate regulation policies, the pressure of rising housing prices and the debt crisis of developers, the development of the real estate industry has slowed down. Investors are looking for new investment channels, and traditional real estate investment targets no longer have high growth potential.

EOS RAM Mechanism: RAM in the EOS blockchain is a mechanism for allocating resources on the network. The amount of RAM is limited, so when demand increases, the price of RAM will rise sharply. RAM is mainly used to deploy DApps or smart contracts in the EOS ecosystem. The speculative nature of RAM stems from its limited supply and market-based price fluctuations.

2. Investment logic comparison: real estate vs. EOS RAM

Real estate and EOS RAM have some similarities in speculative logic, but EOS RAM has the characteristics of being more attractive to traditional capital to enter the blockchain asset field. The specific analysis is as follows:

1. Limited supply

Real estate: As a tangible asset, real estate has a natural upward momentum in housing prices, especially in cities with expanding urbanization, where land resources are scarce. Especially in core cities, the imbalance between supply and demand has driven up housing prices, attracting a large amount of speculative funds.

EOS RAM: EOS RAM is a virtual WEB3.0 blockchain storage resource, but similar to real estate in reality, the total amount of RAM is limited (as defined by the EOS blockchain protocol), and the scarcity of supply also leads to price fluctuations. As the number of applications on the blockchain grows, the demand for RAM will also increase, driving up its price. For traditional capital, EOS RAM has speculative potential similar to scarce real estate.

2. High liquidity

Real estate: Real estate assets have low liquidity and may take a long time to liquidate, especially in weak markets. In addition, real estate transactions involve high costs and complex procedures.

EOS RAM: The liquidity of blockchain assets is very high. RAM transactions can be carried out at any time within the EOS system, and buyers and sellers do not need to go through complicated procedures like real estate transactions. Therefore, traditional capital can enter and exit investments more conveniently while enjoying the benefits brought by market price fluctuations.

3. Speculation and volatility

Real estate: Although real estate prices are relatively stable, the market is affected by policy regulation, interest rate changes and economic cycles, resulting in limited price fluctuations and relatively low risks. Real estate is suitable for long-term holding, especially in a stable growth market. However, this stable economic cycle has ended, and real estate has ended its historical mission of high growth. A large number of private real estate companies have gone bankrupt, closed down, and transformed.

EOS RAM: In comparison, EOS RAM is more speculative and its price fluctuates violently, especially when new projects are released and resource demand rises. The price of RAM may rise sharply in the short term. Investors can obtain high returns by predicting changes in market demand, attracting capital that seeks high risk and high returns. EOS RAM is a deflationary resource that is consumed all the time. In the stable period, if the whale holders do not sell in large quantities, its price will increase, and it will perform extremely steadily.

4. Market regulation mechanism

Real estate: The real estate market is subject to government policy regulation, including purchase restrictions, loan restrictions, sales restrictions, etc., which limits market speculation. Especially in China, real estate regulation policies often lead to reduced market volatility, further compressing speculation space.

EOS RAM: As a resource on the blockchain, the price of EOS RAM is mainly determined by market supply and demand, lacking external intervention such as the government. Despite the influence of systematic technology upgrades and community decisions, overall, the market-oriented nature of RAM prices is strong, which is more attractive to capital accustomed to free market fluctuations.

5. Digitalization and transparency

Real estate: Real estate transaction information is not transparent enough, especially when it comes to valuation and speculative investment. It is often difficult to obtain real-time market data, and transaction efficiency is relatively low.

EOS RAM: All transactions and resource usage are open and transparent on the blockchain, and investors can view supply and demand, price changes, and market depth at any time. This transparency and digitalization feature meets the needs of the modern capital market and attracts a lot of capital that relies on data analysis and quick decision-making.

3. Why is EOS RAM relatively more attractive?

High-frequency trading and liquidity: Compared with real estate, EOS RAM has extremely high liquidity and trading convenience. Traditional capital can enter and exit the market quickly without being subject to long capital lock-up periods.

Price volatility and high return potential: Since the price of RAM is highly susceptible to demand and has high volatility, traditional capital can obtain short-term high returns through accurate market forecasts. This speculative opportunity has been suppressed by policies in the real estate market.

Technological foresight and market emergence: As an emerging technology, blockchain is still in its early stages of development and has great potential for capital inflow. As an early blockchain platform, EOS and RAM are part of the basic resources. With the expansion of the ecosystem in the future, there is a large potential for demand and price increases.

Avoid regulation and innovate investment targets: With the real estate market being regulated, capital is looking for a freer and less regulated market, and the market-oriented nature and decentralization of EOS RAM make it an ideal choice for emerging speculative capital.

4. Risk Warning

Market risk: EOS and RAM prices fluctuate greatly, and the blockchain market is significantly cyclical. For capital without blockchain investment experience, there is a high risk.

Technical risks: The blockchain industry is rapidly updating its technology, and new on-chain resources may emerge, replacing the existing RAM speculation logic. However, EOS RAM is the only one in the current blockchain market and is also a pioneer. The technical threshold of the EOS chain is extremely high, and it is very difficult to replace it. The EOS RAM community has a very high consensus, and it is difficult for the replacement to reach the level of EOS RAM.

Policy risks: Although blockchain assets are relatively less regulated at present, with the popularization of blockchain and the strengthening of policy supervision in the future, speculative assets may face more restrictions.

5. Conclusion

Against the backdrop of the downturn in China's real estate industry, traditional capital is looking for new high-return investment targets. As a scarce resource based on blockchain, EOS RAM has attracted a lot of attention from capital due to its limited supply, high liquidity, market transparency and speculative nature. For capital with high risk tolerance and hoping to profit from short-term market fluctuations, EOS RAM provides a novel investment path that is more attractive than other blockchain assets.
